Duxbury News, December 14, 2018

Here she comes, blazing across the living room, moving so fast she leaves a trail of fire!  Her hubby says slow down, you’re gonna get a ticket!  No that’s not me (except for Glen’s threat of a speeding ticket).  Thank you for the phone calls, cards and well wishes.  They are most appreciated!

I am moving well as possible and am already glad I finally had the hip replacement done!  Thank you to the staff at Mora Hospital.  I had a great group of professionals from the surgery to recovering to “wheeling” me out the door.  Thanks guys!

Wilma Town Board Meeting, back row: Pat Story and Alden Shute; middle: Patrice Winfield, Treasurer; Supervisors from left to right: Gary Vink, Michael McCullen and Glen Williamson; on stage: Angie Anderson; Photographer, Paul Raymond, Clerk.

Wilma Township held its Board of Supervisors meeting on Wednesday, December 5.  Many items were covered.  Alden Shute attended the Culvert Workshop on November 8th, which covered the design and installations, their effect on fisheries and more.  The meeting also discussed road repair, town hall upgrades and more.

With the Holidays upon us, there will be a Community Christmas Party at the Markville Town Hall on Saturday December 15th.  It will be a potluck luncheon at 12pm. They are going to have a Christmas tree outside that will be lit.  Everyone is invited to bring an ornament to hang on the tree and these will be saved to use again next year & so on.

Cher’s Flower Basket will have a Mandala Rock Painting Class on Saturday, December 15th. What is a mandala?  According to Dr Internet, The mandala represents an imaginary palace that is contemplated during meditation. Each object in the palace has significance, representing an aspect of wisdom or reminding the meditator of a guiding principle. The mandala’s purpose is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones and to assist with healing. Stop in or call Cheri’s Flower Basket to sign up! They are located at 322 Commercial Ave N in Sandstone or 320-245-2443 Limited to 10 people and it fills up fast so let them know if you can make it!! Be sure to give them a like on Facebook!

A working session has been scheduled regarding the County-wide Zoning Ordinance for Monday December 17th, at 6:30pm in the Courthouse Board Room at 635 Northridge Dr NW, Pine City for townships participating in the drafting of the proposed ordinance.  If you have any questions, contact them at 320-591-1400.

Winter is here, so surround yourself in the warm love of family and friends. Nothing warms you like a hug so spread them around!

That’s all for now.  Thanks for reading.

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