Moving On

The following poem about moving on is not a message to leave people behind, but to leave behind the pain and the hurt. This is a call to map a future that is more like today, not a painful repetition of yesterday’s suffering. Your power lies in your presence today. A Healing Poem about Moving… Continue reading Moving On

Categorized as Poems

On the day I die

On The Day I Die On the day I die a lot will happen. A lot will change. The world will be busy.On the day I die, all the important appointments I made will be left unattended. The many plans I had yet to complete will remain forever undone. The calendar that ruled so many… Continue reading On the day I die

Categorized as Poems

I feel it!

I feel it! What do I feel? I feel the movement of my soul talking to me. About what you say? Well, I am being gay, but not like homosexual, but like being happy. Happy to be alive, saying nothing, but thinking a lot, and filled with everything. Everything is beautiful, a song once said.… Continue reading I feel it!